Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Volunteer Hollyhock Held Hostage

It's an unusual day with monsoon rains in the MORNING.  We usually get the rain in the afternoon or sometimes at night...but, of course, here in the highlands of Arizona we'll take rain whenever we can get it!

It does throw my schedule off...I usually work outside until it gets too hot at about 10:00 a.m.  Was all set to keep going on completing the hen house, but thunder and rain brought me inside.

Took this picture a couple of days ago.  My mother-in-law, Shirley, gave us the rusty cowboy metal sculpture in Oregon. We brought him with us when we moved back home.  I just saw him featured in a garden in Phoenix Home & Garden.  The house was slightly larger.

I'm not sure where this pink hollyhock came from...I also have volunteer white hollyhocks on the hill by the studio.