So this isn't really one of those New Year's Resolution-things....I started going every day except Sunday several months ago...some of the other Seniors & Super-Seniors who hit the YMCA at 5:00 a.m. and I were joking that it's easier to just go every day...then you have one less thing to just do it!
You could go on Sunday, but the Y doesn't open til later....
I don't take a lap lane...I leave those for others who are hard-core swimmers, like the 92-year-old who only comes three times a week since her schedule is so busy.
I swim across the deep end, that way when I come back I have the diving board to remind me where the wall is...we all know about Hitting The Wall when we're running, but I'm probably one of the few swimmers who should wear a helmet...I used to swim at the Aquatic Center in McMinnville, OR when I was teaching and would be thinking something like..."If I just changed Johnny's reading group maybe he would..." Wham!! I'd crack my head on the side of the pool -- backstroke, of course.
I have friends who wear headsets and listen to books on tape, but somehow those always put me to least when I'm driving...which is why I don't do THAT anymore.
I like the idea that swimming really gives me a good stretch, gets me aerobic and is kind of meditative...all at the same time. I like the deep end because I can stop and tread water every once in awhile for several minutes.
Steve was kind of impressed I did that...that's really good exercise he says....REALLY? :)
Yup. That's me...hmmm. Kind of husky for a "spry" Senior Lady....